16 July 2011

16 July 2011

Nervous energy this evening as I'm packing for my trip to Nashville tomorrow. Went out to Penney's to get a new, smaller dress shirt - I hope that orange is really a good color for me! Orange shirt, brown pants - not a combination I would have gone for first, but Tiffany and Kathy both say it works, so we'll go with it.

I hope I remember how to interview. I've not been terribly skilled at it in the past, but I did get McKenna six years ago, right? I just wish that it wasn't such a stilted process - it's never as easygoing as I think it should/could be. Oh, if I didn't need this job, how would it be different? How much freer would I be in my conversation? How much less pressure would I feel to Get. It. Right.?

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